Member Benefits
- Good Neighbor Day Parade, one entry ($100 Value)
- Annual Golf Outing (options for sponsorship, marketing & networking available)
- Spring and Fall Wine Walk (option to participate as a stop or contribute to swag bags)
- The LOOP (sponsorship & networking)
- Street Banner Program (every other year)
- Bi-Monthly Chamber Newsletters - Can put in flyers or information about events your business is having.
- Monthly Member Luncheon or Business After Hours Event
- Coffee Hour (done with 3-4 other Chambers) - FREE to attend
- Networking Opportunities
- Educational Seminars
- Discount Advertising
- Member listing on Chamber Website
- Display Media in Chamber Office (flyers, brochures and business cards)
- Fall in Love with your Business Expo (this is done in conjunction with 4 other Chambers)
- Free Business Listing in the Member Directory and the option to purchase a larger ad
- Business Referrals
- Member to Member Discounts
- FREE Job Postings on Chamber Website
- Ribbon Cuttings available at no cost to Chamber Members ($100 Value).
- Complimentary Passport Membership Program with Government Contractors Association ($499 Value)
- Shop Local Gift Card Program - this is FREE for members to be part of. Let us know you want in.
Cost for Membership (Fees are Billed Annually):
- 1-10 Employees $250
- 11-29 Employees $325
- 30+ Employees $400
- Financial Institution $400
- Non Profit $150 (proof of non-profit status is required)
- MLM $50 (Multi Level Marketing - Such as Mary Kay, Avon, Tupperware, etc..)
Sponsorship includes General Membership Benefits PLUS:
- Annual Membership Fee Included
- Recognition of your sponsorship on all Chamber Banners/Shirts used during our events (Parade, LOOP, Golf Outing, etc.)
- Enhanced Website Listing
- Business Logo on every issue of e-newsletter.
- Available to your company are TWO mass emails sent to all members regarding your business.
- The availability for your company to make a presentation at a member luncheon (first come first serve).
- Recognition of sponsorship at monthly events.
- Hole Sponsorship for our Annual Golf Outing.
- Enhanced Listing in the Member Directory (option to purchase a larger ad)
- Free Entry in Parade
- Spotlight on Website
- 2 (two) complimentary tickets to each Chamber Event - Loop, Golf Outing, & Wine Walk
- 1 (one) complimentary ticket to each luncheon (additional can be purchased)
- Spotlight of your business on Facebook yearly
- 1 Street Pole Banner (every other year - Options to purchase additional banners)
- One 4-foot table at the Fall in Love with your Business Expo (option to upgrade to an 8ft table for a fee)
PACKAGE VALUE IS OVER $4,500.00 !!!!!